Leverage the Power of Marketing Automation to Drive Customer Engagement
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Welcome to India’s leading digital solutions agency. We create digital experiences which people love, and businesses need!

Our Services Overview

ORM is about monitoring and improving how your business is viewed online.

Marketing Support

Digital promotion,  customer retention support, marketing planning & execution.

Sales Automation

Sales automation planning, designing & development, training & execution .


ORM-Online Reputation Management

Online Reputation Management (ORM) is a crucial aspect of modern digital presence, given the proliferation of online platforms like social media, business directories, and review sites. In an era where information spreads rapidly, maintaining a positive online reputation can significantly impact an individual’s or business’s credibility, trustworthiness, and overall success. Conversely, a negative online reputation can lead to diminished trust, loss of business, and long-term damage to one’s professional or personal standing. Therefore, understanding and implementing effective ORM strategies is essential for safeguarding and enhancing one’s online image.

An Enthusiastic Team

We connect your business every possible way!

Enterprise  Automation”  is  a  leading  Business  process management company which envisioned and instigated the adoption of the flexible business practices that today enable our client to operate more efficiently and produce more  value.  We  deliver  an  entire  spectrum  of  BPM services, specialized in sales and  marketing automation, analytics support,  customized  technology solutions and industry-specific    process    mapping,    development, execution, training and support.

Sales Support

Sales Automation

Our Sales automation solution is the true customer-centric tool for your sales needs. Track leads, get accurate forecasts, and focus on what matters: closing opportunities.

Sales Automation

Sales teams from good to great
  • Easy & accurate sales report generation
  • Centralization of data
  • Process management
  • Sales forecasting analysis
  • Sales team performance evaluation
  • Sales lead tracking
  • Sales funnel management
  • Real time data

Messaging Services



Ecommerce Soluation

How to start your eCommerce business.

Ecommerce Business Plan

Strategy: Market + Opportunity Analysis. A proactive digital strategy and well-defined positioning are essential if you want to stand out in your market.

Merchandize Across Channels + Platforms

The backbone of our business is our ability to develop, implement and integrate world-class eCommerce capability.

Exploring The Benefits Of Marketing Automation For Mid-Size Businesses In 2024

In today’s competitive business scenario, it has become important to implement sales automation to get ahead.

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Knowledge based & Case study